Philosophy of Choral Singing

by Flora Zarco Rivera

The most beautiful of all musical sounds is that which comes from within the body of the artist. The sweetest sounds come from the birds, the crickets and the little children. These sounds are made as the result of the need to express beauty in oneself. It is made in the mind and the body is used to accomplish it. Cut up a bird, a cricket or a little child and you will not find the source of that sound for it is only in living that such beauty is possible.

The ear, which is an important organ of the musician, picks up sounds. Consequently, the rest of the body parts are employed to imitate these as they are reproduced and recreated in the singer’s own manner. Each species of bird learns to reproduce the sound of his fellow birds, so the crickets and so the children.

The infant that has been lulled to sleep by a mother with a pleasant voice learns to reproduce pleasant sounds early in life. Jarring noises, shouting and violent movements do not encourage these. Wise parents insure their children’s love for beautiful things by preparing them well with basic, inexpensive toys. A small transistor radio tuned very low to a good music station placed near the baby’s crib by a busy mother or a few good children’s records with an inexpensive record player make an excellent birthday present for any three-year old. A book of nursery songs and rhymes is a must for the growing child.

The ability to match and reproduce sounds in a child is evident as early as the ages of two while the ability to balance to rhythm comes even earlier. Encouraging these manners with the very young therefore makes the core material for excellent singing and dancing children.

To this day, choral singing remains the most beautiful musical medium. Its instrument, the massed human voice, is inexpensive and easy to maintain. Only interest of the individual member and the desire to sing together with a good musical and artistic leader is required. The result is close fellowship with each other, working towards one goal - togetherness.


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